Privacy Policy

Mytapper, LLC (hereinafter, "we", or "Mytapper") is strongly committed to protecting the personal data of all users of our website, and our mobile applications (collectively, the "Application"). We recommend that you read this data protection policy, in which we explain how we obtain and protect information about you. For these purposes, Mytapper is responsible for processing the data we obtain about you.

1. Contact Information

If you have any request or question in relation to this data protection policy or want to know how we generally manage your information, please contact us through the means detailed below.

By contacting our customer service by email:

2. How We Obtain Your Data

We obtain personal information about you whenever you interact with us or use or we provide services to you; for example, when you use our Sites to place an order. We also observe how users use our Application, because through this we can improve our services and your customer experience.

We obtain information:

We also obtain information from third-party websites, such as advertising platforms [and our fraud detection service provider].

3. Data We Obtain About You

As part of our commitment to the protection of the data of our clients and, more generally, of those who visit our Application; We want to be transparent about the types of data we will obtain about you.

Each time you visit the Sites or place an order with Mytapper through them, you are asked to provide us with certain information about yourself, including your full name, contact information, delivery address, order details and information relating to the payment, such as your credit or debit card details.

We also obtain information about your use of the Application (please visit our Cookies Policy for more information), as well as information about you from the messages you send through the Application, or each time you contact us. with us or make comments; This includes email, postal mail, phone calls or the chat function. If you contact us by telephone, we record the call for training purposes and to improve our services, as well as to take notes in relation to your call. Additionally, we obtain information about you when you contact our delivery drivers through the chat function of the Application.

We collect technical information about your computer or mobile device, such as your operating system, device type and connection, or the IP address from which you access our Application.

Likewise, Mytapper obtains technical information in relation to your use of our services through mobile devices; for example, telephone company, location data and operational data, such as mobile payment modes, interaction with other sales technologies, such as use of NFC tags, QR codes and/or use of mobile vouchers. Unless you have chosen to remain anonymous through your device and/or platform settings, we may obtain this information and use it automatically whenever you use our services through mobile devices using any Mytapper mobile application. , through your mobile browser or in any other way.

We process data related to your health only when you indicate your acceptance and willingness to do so, for example, if you specify allergies to certain foods.

4. Use of Your Data

We will only process the data we obtain about you if there is a reason for doing so and if that reason is covered by data protection legislation. We will be authorized to process your information in the following cases: if we need to process data about you to provide you with the requested service or to sign a contract; if we have your consent; if we have a justified reason to process your data; or if the legislation obliges us to do so.

In those cases where we need it to provide you with the services requested by you or to sign a contract, we use your information:

We also process data about you if we have a justified reason to do so; for example, to personalize our service, which includes processing data to facilitate and speed up the ordering process. These are, in more detail, the justified reasons we are talking about:

We will also analyze information related to your use of our services based on your location data, in order to create, based on that data, profiles related to you and for you. This means that we may make certain assumptions about what may interest you and, based on these assumptions, send you, for example, more personalized marketing communications, introduce you to restaurants that we believe may interest you, or send you special offers or products that, in our opinion, may be of interest to you. opinion, they could be your preference. This activity is known as "segmentation or profiling." In relation to this type of processing of your data, there are certain rights that protect you; We refer you to the 'Your rights' section if you want to know more about this.

Where we rely on a justified reason to process your personal data, we carry out a check to ensure that its processing is necessary and that your fundamental rights to privacy are not overridden by those justified reasons. If you would like more information about these verification measures, please contact Mytapper using the information provided in the header.

In cases where we are required by law, we may use your information to:

5. Cookies

If you wish, you can configure your browser to reject all or some browsing cookies, or to alert you each time a website sets or accesses cookies. If you disable or reject cookies, please note that some sections of the Application may not be accessible or function properly.

6. Direct Marketing

As long as you have given your consent, or if we have a justified reason to do so (and as long as we are permitted by law), we will use your data to inform you of other products and services that may be of interest to you; For these purposes, we may contact you by email or telephone (also by notification). You can manage your preferences regarding marketing notifications by directly modifying the settings on your mobile device or by contacting us (see Contact Details).

7. Automated Decision Making

We carry out fraud checks on all clients. If we suspect that we have detected any fraudulent activity, we may block you from placing an order and using our Application.

We carry out fraud checks on all clients because this is necessary so that we can carry out the services that our clients contract, ensuring that the services we (and the restaurants) provide are properly paid for, and also so that the users themselves are protected. against fraudulent transactions with their cards.

Given the volumes of customers and orders we deal with, we use automated systems including a fraud detection provider called Stripe. It analyzes order data to make automated decisions about whether or not we will accept an order. We believe this is a fairer, more accurate and more efficient way of carrying out fraud checks, as human checks simply would not be possible within the timeframes and given the customer volumes we deal with.

The checks and decisions made focus on several components, including known industry fraud indicators made available to us by our expert fraud detection provider, as well as fraud patterns we have detected on our Sites. When combined, they generate an automated score that indicates the likelihood of a fraudulent transaction. If our systems indicate a high score for you, then we may reject an order or even block our services. Specific fraud indicators are dynamic, so they will change based on the types of fraud detected around the world, in the country, and on our Sites at any given time.

You have a number of rights related to this activity (see the “Your rights” section for more information on this). Our fraud detection procedures seek to protect all our customers, as well as Mytapper. You have the right to challenge any fraud decision made about you and to receive further information about the reasons why the decision was made by contacting us as set out in section 1 above.

You have the right to object to this type of treatment, to request the intervention of a human being and to question and appeal the decision made as a result of it.

8. Conservation of Your Data

We will only retain information about you for as long as necessary.

The information we obtain will be kept for the period necessary for the purposes set out in the previous section "Use of your data", in defense of the legitimate interests of Mytapper or for the period expressly established by applicable laws and regulations, such as the retention of data for regulatory purposes.

To establish the appropriate conservation periods, we will take into account, among others, the following factors:

In any case, we will securely delete your information when we no longer need it for the purposes for which we obtained it.

9. Disclosure of Your Data

The information we obtain about you will be transferred to and stored on our servers; These servers are located in the European Union. We act with full responsibility and transparency about who else we share this information with.

9.1 Internal data exchange

We exchange information with other companies in the Mytapper group exclusively when necessary for the purposes set out in Section 4.

9.2 Data exchange with third parties

We exchange data about you with third party service providers. These are the types of third party service providers with whom we share information about you:

Mytapper will take all necessary measures to ensure that your data is processed securely and in accordance with this policy, where it is transferred to third parties.

If our company enters into a joint venture, acquires or is sold, or merges with another company, we may transfer or disclose information about you to that company, our new business partners or owners, and/or their advisors.

We will also be able to share your information:

9.3 International data transfers

In some cases, the personal data we obtain about you may be processed outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"), such as in the United States and those countries in which Mytapper operates. These countries may not provide the same level of protection to your personal data as that which your personal data enjoys in EEA countries. In any case, at Mytapper we are obliged to guarantee that the data processed by us and by our suppliers outside the EEA has protection of the same level as it would enjoy if it were processed within the EEA. Therefore, there are a series of guarantees when your data is processed outside the EEA.

We will use our best efforts to provide equal protection by ensuring that at least one of the following protective measures is applied:

Please do not hesitate to contact us, using the contact details above, if you would like more information about the countries to which Mytapper may transfer personal data, and the specific protection measures we apply when we transfer your personal data outside of the country. EEA.

10. Security

We have strong policies and the best technology to ensure at all times that the information we obtain about you is properly protected.

We take the necessary measures to protect your information from unauthorized access and/or against illegitimate processing, loss, destruction or accidental damage.

If you choose a password to access certain sections of the Application, please note that you are solely responsible for keeping it secret. We recommend that you refrain from sharing your password information with others.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not 100% secure. Although we take measures to protect your information, we cannot fully guarantee the security of data transmitted to the Sites; These transmissions are at your own risk and responsibility. Once we receive information from you, we will apply strict security measures and procedures to try to prevent unauthorized access.

11. Your Rights

Under data protection legislation, you have a number of rights in relation to the information we hold about you. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, we invite you to contact us using the contact information provided previously in this document. If you would like to know more about your rights, please contact your data protection authority.

12. Changes to Our Data Protection Policy

Whenever changes are made to our data protection policy, these will appear on the Application and, where appropriate, we will notify you, for example, by email or by automatic notification.

This data protection policy was last updated on August 17, 2024.

13. Complaints

13.1 European Union (EU) users

Complaints and Supervisory Authority:

If you believe that our processing of your personal data infringes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority of your country of residence within the European Union.

Principal Supervisory Authority:

Alternatively, you can also contact the data protection authority in your country of residence.

13.2 United States (US) Users

Complaints and Privacy Rights:

If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal data or believe that we have breached your privacy rights under applicable law, you may contact us at

If you are located in the state of California, you have additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These include the right to know what personal information we collect, the right to request deletion of your information, and the right to opt out of the sale of your personal information.

To exercise these rights, please contact us at

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may also file a complaint with the California Attorney General's office:

13.3 Users from Canada

Complaints and Data Protection:

If you have any concerns about our privacy policy or the handling of your personal data under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), you can contact us at

If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to file a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:

13.4 Users from Brazil

Complaints and Data Protection:

If you have any questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data according to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), you can contact us at

If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD):

13.5 Users from Other Regions

Complaints and Privacy Rights:

If you have any concerns about how we handle your personal data or believe that we have breached your privacy rights under applicable law in your country, you can contact us at

If you are not satisfied with our response, we recommend that you contact the relevant data protection authority in your country of residence to lodge a complaint.

Mytapper, LLC, 651 N Broad St., Suite 201, Middletown, Delaware, 19709